Áine GREENE, Research Associate at the Center on Global Energy Policy, Columbia University (CGEP), United States
“The International Autumn School 2023 provided an excellent opportunity for me to advance the learning curve in energy system modeling. It was an intense, insightful, and rewarding week dedicated to prospective issues, surrounded by distinguished experts, researchers, and PhD students, which accelerated my understanding and appreciation of TIMES, its applications, and its utilization for impact.”

Thomas Gaël BEBGA, Statistician and Energy Economist at the Ministry of Economy of Cameroon
“This week allowed me to acquire the necessary techniques for prospective modeling and issues related to climate change: energy and water. I also particularly appreciated the hands-on work with TIMES.”

Imène BEN REJEB-MZAH, Head of the Data Analytics Team at Climate Analytics and Alignment (C2A), BNP Paribas
“The topic is perfectly aligned with my current focus in research and development: measuring the climate alignment of financial portfolios, where we use net-zero climate scenarios as references, as well as quantifying risks related to water stress.”

Marie CODET, PhD student at CMA Mines Paris – PSL (Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées)
“It was an excellent opportunity to meet modelers and researchers interested in water and energy-related topics. The presentations and practical training were of high quality.”

Farzaneh AMIR KAVEI, Energy Engineer, PhD candidate in Innovation for the Circular Economy at the University of Turin
“Water modeling in energy system optimization models is still not addressed in either the energy modeling community or the water modeling community, although it deserves special attention. That’s why I chose to enroll in the International Autumn School 2023.”

Sukriti SHARMA, PhD candidate in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Ropar, India
“The knowledge gained during this training week will not only refine the technical aspects of my modeling work but also contribute to a more holistic and interdisciplinary perspective in developing sustainable solutions for hydrogen systems in India. I plan to apply this newfound proficiency in TIMES modeling directly.”

Mohamed SAHAOUI, TTI.5 PhD Student (The Transition Institute 1.5)
“The topic of Energy and Water issues is interesting. It is relevant to hear about the implications and the current solutions to face those issues. Besides, it is part of the TTI.5 doctoral track. This event was great in its content, participants and organization. It has been a week full of new concepts for me and great conversations.”

Tania LOUIS, Ph.D. in Health Biology, Scientific Mediator, and Educational Content Designer, Author (her website). She conducted a three-day training on scientific communication during the International Autumn School.
“Effectively communicating one’s work and the state of knowledge in their field is a crucial skill for all research personnel. Therefore, it seems essential to train as many researchers as possible in this regard. However, it is even more crucial for those working on topics that directly concern citizens, such as climate change. In addition to their peers, these researchers may potentially need to communicate with colleagues from other disciplines, as well as with journalists and decision-makers! Putting oneself in the shoes of a non-expert audience and crafting an intelligible discourse to convey a message is a learned skill. I am always delighted to assist individuals who wish to undergo training in this field.”